• Checklist

Before receiving treatment at our salon, please review the following information prior to making a reservation.

If any of the conditions apply to you, we kindly ask you to adjust your appointment schedule accordingly. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

■Please check the hair length

・Waxing cannot be performed if the hair is too short.

・If you have been using razors, hair removal strips, or depilatory creams for self-hair removal, please make sure your hair is at least 1 cm long before coming in.

・If the hair is too short, the treatment time may be longer, or we may have to refuse the treatment. Please check the hair length before making a reservation.

■Precautions before the treatment

・On the day of the treatment, to minimize redness and bleeding, please refrain from soaking in the bath and only take a shower.

・Avoid intense physical activities that make you sweat excessively, as well as alcohol consumption.

・For 2-3 days after the treatment, the pores will be open, making it easier for bacteria to enter. To prevent skin issues, please avoid swimming in the sea, tanning, and using pools.

・If you have any plans before or after the treatment, please check your schedule before making a reservation.

■Regarding the use of medication

・We may decline to provide treatment if any of the following apply.

・if you are taking cold medicine, antibiotics, or any other medication

・have skin allergies or conditions, are using acne medications

・cosmetics containing Retin-A,have symptoms such as itching

・rashes, or pain from old scars in the treatment area, or are undergoing special chemical treatments

■Post-treatment symptoms

・Waxing may cause redness after the treatment.

・While there are individual differences depending on your skin type and hair density, sensitive areas like the bikini line, upper arms, and back are more prone to redness.

・The redness typically subsides within a few hours, but in some cases, it may last for 2-3 days.

・Additionally, if proper aftercare is not followed, the redness may persist, and there is a possibility of skin irritation or inflammation.

・If you have upcoming travel or events, please avoid scheduling your treatment the day before or on the day of your plans.

■People who are sensitive to pain

・Depending on your hair density, skin type, and the treatment area, some pain may occur during the hair removal process.

・To minimize discomfort, we can focus on smaller areas during the treatment, but this may result in a longer session time.

・Since the level of discomfort can vary based on your hair and skin type, it is difficult to provide a precise estimate of pain. If you are sensitive to pain, please consult with us before making your reservation.

■Regarding special shapes

・If you have specific design requests for areas like the upper part of VIO hair removal, eyebrows, or nail care, please consult with us in advance.

・Examples: heart shape for the V area, celebrity-inspired eyebrow shapes, nail polish color requests, etc.

・Since there is limited treatment time, we may not be able to accommodate requests made on the day of your appointment.

■Regarding the treatment time

・The estimated duration for each service is listed on the menu & Price page; however, please note that these times are approximate.

・The actual time may vary depending on your hair type, skin condition, and other factors, so we appreciate your understanding in advance.

・If you have plans immediately after your appointment, please inform us beforehand.

■Reservation changes and cancellations

・lf you are going to be late on the day of your appointment, please contact us by 5 minutes before your scheduled time.

・If you need to cancel, please notify us at least 30 minutes in advance.There is no cancellation fee.

・If you are having trouble finding the location or if your train is delayed, feel free to call us for assistance.

■It is a private salon

・Our salon operates on a one-on-one private appointment basis, and for security reasons, we do not allow companions to accompany clients during their visit.

・If it is necessary for you to bring a companion, please contact us in advance via phone or the inquiry form.

■Reservations after 9:00 PM

・Our facility has an automatic lock system after 9:00 PM. If you are arriving after 9:00 PM, please contact us at the following phone number upon arrival


  • Aftercare

After the treatment, you may be more prone to skin issues such as folliculitis, inflammation, or acne. Please review the following details and make sure to follow proper aftercare. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. If any troubling symptoms appear, we recommend consulting with a specialist

■Post-treatment symptoms

・After the treatment, redness may occur in all treated areas, but areas like the bikini line (VIO hair removal) and underarms, where the hair roots are stronger and the hair density is higher, may experience more significant redness due to greater skin damage. Additionally, sensitive areas such as the upper arms or back may also show more pronounced redness.

・The redness typically subsides within a few hours, but depending on skin type and hair density, it may last for 2 to 3 days in some cases. Furthermore, if proper aftercare is not followed, not only can the redness persist, but there is also a risk of skin irritation or inflammation.

■Bathing on the same day

・To help soothe the redness, avoid soaking in a bath on the day of the treatment. Instead, take a shower and ensure that hot water does not directly contact the treated areas.

・When washing, do not scrub with a sponge or body towel. Use a gentle body soap to create a lather and wash the skin gently. After a facial wax treatment, it’s best not to use strong products like scrubs or acne cleansers, as they may irritate the skin.

■Regarding moisturizing

・After the treatment, your skin may become dry, so it is important to moisturize.

・For the first 2 to 3 days after the treatment, your pores will be open. Using lotions or creams immediately after hair removal can clog the pores with oil, which may lead to acne or other skin problems.

・For the first 7 to 10 days, it is recommended to use a moisturizer with high hydration, such as a toner that you regularly use. Avoid products that contain special ingredients.

■Underhair care

・Regarding moisturizing after VIO (bikini line) hair removal, if you wear boxer shorts or briefs, moisture may be retained within the underwear. Applying excessive moisturizer can lead to skin issues like acne.

・For moisturizing the intimate area, apply a light, refreshing toner after bathing or when dryness occurs.

・To avoid unsanitary conditions, wear underwear made from hygienic and skin-friendly materials. For those who tend to sweat, it is recommended to wear breathable boxer shorts on the day of the treatment and the following day to prevent sweating.

■Back care

・The back is a difficult area to care for because it is out of sight and hard to reach, but it is also a sensitive area that is prone to redness and skin problems.

・When taking a shower, keep the water temperature low, avoid direct contact with the treated area, and wash gently. If you sweat, take a shower or use a wet wipe that does not contain alcohol, then dry the area.

・Avoid wearing clothing that may irritate the skin. If you experience itching for any reason, do not scratch. Instead, use a cotton pad soaked in cool water to soothe the area.

■Regarding ingrown hairs

・Ingrown hairs occur when dead skin cells accumulate on the surface and block the pores, preventing the hair from breaking through the skin and causing it to become trapped beneath the surface.

・To prevent ingrown hairs, use a scrub cream to gently massage the treated areas starting from about 7 to 10 days after the treatment, when the hair is beginning to grow back. The method may vary depending on the product used, but it is generally effective to gently massage the area for 2 to 3 minutes after towel-drying.

■Regarding folliculitis

・Folliculitis is an inflammation caused by bacteria entering the hair follicles that have been damaged during the treatment.

・While it may not always be caused by hair removal, inflammation is common after treatments, especially in areas that tend to sweat or have higher sebum production. Extra caution is needed after VIO (Brazilian) treatments.

・To prevent folliculitis, it is essential to keep the skin clean and moisturized both before and after the treatment.

・Folliculitis usually heals within 1 to 2 weeks. However, if it does not heal or if you experience discomfort or worsening symptoms, do not make your own judgment and seek medical advice from a dermatologist as soon as possible.

■Post-treatment precautions

・On the day of the treatment, please avoid bathing, intense sports, and alcohol to calm the skin. Actions that could be unsanitary, such as sexual intercourse and masturbation, should also be avoided.

・For 2-3 days after the treatment, your pores will be open, making it easier for bacteria to enter. During this time, avoid sun exposure, swimming in the sea, and using public baths or pools that are frequented by many people.

・If you plan to get a tattoo, it is recommended to wait 1-2 months before and after the treatment to minimize strain on the skin. If you have recently gotten or plan to get a tattoo, please consult us in advance. Getting a tattoo immediately after treatment can cause inflammation and other skin problems, which could be dangerous.

■Post-treatment skin issues

・If you notice any discomfort or worsening symptoms in the treated area, please do not make judgments on your own and seek a diagnosis from a dermatologist. In such cases, we kindly ask you to provide details of the diagnosis.

・If you have any other questions or concerns about aftercare, please feel free to contact us. We also accept inquiries via phone or official LINE.